Tuesday, April 14, 2020 How about some good news?!

Often times the news we hear or listen to is not always good.  The coronavirus (COVID-19) has everyone feeling anxious, sad and even lonely.  I thought today would be a good time for some good news!  Check out the link to an article on how teens are making a difference for seniors.  After reading you may want to think about how you can make a positive impact on someone in your neighborhood or community.


Hope it is a terrific Tuesday!

Monday, April 13, 2020 Welcome Back!

Hope you all had a great break from digital learning!  As you know we will not physically be back at school this year – but mentally the learning must continue as you prepare for 7th grade!!

Today I thought it would be a good idea to reflect on some quotes about learning.  Choose one to reflect on.  What is the quote saying about learning?, How can you apply it to your life and your own philosophy about learning?  

It would be great to read some responses in the comments section!!

  • “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”  Winston Churchill
  • The more that you read, the more things you will know.  The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr. Seuss
  • “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin
  • “Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” Albert Einstein


Friday, April 3, 2020 Field-trip Friday

Take a virtual field-trip today!!  Use one of the links below to discover something new here in Georgia!

Have a great Friday and even better weekend!  Blog posts will be back on Monday, April 13th!

Thursday, April 2, 2020 Figures of Speech

A figure of speech is a word or phrase with different meaning than the literal meaning.  An idiom is one such form of a figure of speech.  Idioms are often thought of as expressions that portray meaning through their exaggeration or visual image.  It requires the reader to think of the relationship between the words in the phrase and what conclusion can be made related to figurative meaning.  For example: “Raining cats and dogs!”  It isn’t literally raining cats and dogs but from this expression I can conclude that it is raining very hard.

Sounds complicated?!  Well…sometimes.  Look at the picture on the left.  It is full of figures of speech!  There are 27One example is the spoon in the mouth of our skeletal character.  This represents the idiom or figure of speech – “Silver spoon in his mouth”.  I took the literal representation in the picture to create the phrase.  This phrase actually refers to someone who has been born or in a position of wealth.  People often say this when they refer to someone having it easy, they didn’t have to work for their success or money.

Just for fun, try to find a few today!  If you can get the words on paper but can’t determine the meaning the link below might help or simply google the phrase with quotations and see what comes up!



Wednesday, April 1, 2020 Paper Airplane Competition!

A little something different this Wednesday!  Read the article on how aviation is becoming part of high school curriculum offering students career opportunities.  Then watch the YouTube video (link below) on how to build a paper airplane.  Have a competition with family members or virtually with friends to see whose paper airplane will fly the farthest!  It looks like it will be a great way to step outside and get some fresh air!!

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Use the link below to access Newsela articles


How to Make 5 EASY Paper Airplanes that FLY FAR – YouTube Video below!
