Welcome LSGA Stakeholders

The motivation behind this blog is the result of the recent developments related to the Coronavirus.  Teachers, administrators and support staff are working diligently to ensure that all of our scholars continue to move forward in their education.  As the academic coach, I have decided to take this opportunity to create a space that will be useful for students, parents and teachers.

The purpose of this blog will be to focus on literacy and the role that both reading and writing plays across all content.  Over the next few weeks I will be working to organize this space to provide resources, strategies, support tools, etc.   It is my hope that all stakeholders will find it both useful and engaging!

It is important to view the challenge of digital learning and homeschooling as an opportunity to grow as a school community.  At this point we are all learners!  I look forward to the learning!  I look forward to the challenge!  I believe our scholars are up for this challenge as true pioneers and leaders in this massive digital learning experience.